Purpose: This program is required to increase the wastewater treatment capacity for the Broad Run Water Reclamation Facility to accommodate population growth in Loudoun County.

Program Description: This program includes expanding the most existing Broad Run Water Reclamation treatment processes and adding some new processes to increase the overall facility capacity from 15 to 30 MGD.  This expansion will occur over four separate projects as described below:

Project Information:

1. Package 1 – Sitework preparation for the remaining projects.

2. Package 2 – Increases nutrient removal and solids treatment capacity of the existing facility.

3. Package 3 – Increases the existing facility overall capacity from 15 to 20 MGD.

4. Package 4 – Increases the existing facility overall capacity from 20 to 30 MGD.


Construction Information:

1.     The Project Site for all four projects is located on Loudoun Water’s Main Campus.  

2.     Increased vehicle traffic is anticipated accessing the site.

3.     Construction access will be from Loudoun County Parkway.

4.     Contractor normal work hours will be from 7AM to 5PM Monday – Friday.

5.     For any questions or concerns please e-mail capitalconstruction@loudounwater.org.


Project Fact Sheet


Project Status: 
In Construction