May 02, 2021

Sunday, May 2, 2021 marks the 13th anniversary of the first Broad Run Water Reclamation Facility effluent! Our dedicated staff, who run this powerful operation, are the reason why it is possible to protect our drinking water and improve the environment 24/7!

The BRWRF was first opened in 2008 and currently treats about 4 million gallons per day (MGD) of sewage with a total current capacity of 10 MGD. Of the 8 MGD that is currently treated, about 1 MGD is distributed back to Loudoun Water customers as reclaimed water. The Broad Run Expansion Project is currently underway and includes expanding the existing preliminary, primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment processes to increase the overall facility capacity from 10 to 15 MGD. More information about this project, including the most recent fact and information sheet is available on our website.

Wastewater is treated at Broad Run to a high degree using preliminary and primary treatment, secondary/biological treatment, ultra-filtration, and ultraviolet radiation for disinfection. Solids handling processes include combined primary and waste activated solids thickening, aerobic digestion, and dewatering. Highly treated effluent is released into nearby waterways. The system also allows wastewater to become reclaimed water, which can be reused for non-potable purposes.