Loudoun Water requires landowners to receive a Loudoun Water Utility Disconnect/Demolition Permit for any project that will be removing/disconnecting water or sewer mains or services/laterals outside of the structure. 

The Loudoun Water Utility Disconnect/Demolition Permit should be obtained prior to requesting a Loudoun County demo permit to avoid delays as Loudoun County requires Loudoun Water to confirm service has been disconnected prior to issuing a Loudoun County demo permit.

How to apply for a Loudoun Water Utility Disconnect/Demolition Permit

  • Download and complete the Loudoun Water Utility Disconnect Demolition Permit
  • Submit completed form and other relevant information to engineeringadmin@loudounwater.org
  • Loudoun Water will review the information and either follow-up with the applicant or issue a Utility Disconnect/Demolition Permit with an assigned LW inspector and contact information provided. 
  • Once Loudoun Water has issued a Loudoun Water Utility Disconnect/Demolition Permit, the permittee should contact the assigned Loudoun Water inspector to schedule a site meeting PRIOR to any Loudoun Water asset demolition/disconnection work beginning. 


NOTE:  Loudoun Water does not require a Utility Disconnect/Demolition Permit for residential structures that will be re-using the existing service and lateral (i.e. houses which have been subject to fire damage and will be rebuilt in the same location).  Loudoun Water requires the property owner/representative to request service disconnection through the Loudoun Water Customer Service team. The Stop Service Request can also be completed online. 

Following the request, Loudoun Water will disconnect water service and a Loudoun Water team member will perform a courtesy inspection of the sewer lateral. If damage is noted, the property owner/representative will be notified.