Before work can begin affecting any existing or proposed water/sanitary sewer/reclaimed infrastructure, including cut/fill grading activities, construction drawings must be submitted, reviewed, and approved by Loudoun Water and the project issued a Loudoun Water construction permit.

The items required by Loudoun Water prior to issuing a construction permit will be listed in the project approval letter.

The Loudoun Water approval letter may state requirements that require submission and approval prior to the request and issuance of the Loudoun Water construction permit.  Information that is required and must be submitted online at (reviews take 10 working days):

  • Specialized materials identified on the proposed material form will be included with the Loudoun Water approval letter.  Shop drawings must be submitted for review and approval by Loudoun Water.  Materials should not be ordered until approved by Loudoun Water as NO exceptions will be granted.

Information that is required and must be submitted online at (reviews take 5-10 working days):

Once the above requirements are satisfied, the applicant can submit an online request at Request for Construction Permit.  The online request will begin the construction permit process.  Loudoun Water will provide documents that are prepared for the applicant’s review and execution.  The documents will be provided within 5 business days of online request and may include:

  • Construction permit (to be signed)
  • Developer Agreement (to be signed)
  • Construction permit fees invoice including Inspection fee, Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) fee, and Record (as-built) drawing fees. 
  • Reclaimed Service Agreement (if required)
  • Estimated Flow Acknowledgment (if required)
  • Process Wastewater Metering Agreement [blowdown meter vault related] (if required)

The applicant will be required to provide all information listed in the approval letter as one complete package to Loudoun Water with the online form Construction Permit Package Submission.  Upon verification that all required documents have been provided, expect the signed construction permit to be issued within 5-10 business days.

Note: Loudoun Water is only accepting accompanying files for the Construction Permit Package Submission Form via a secure link.  To obtain a link to securely upload the required files, please submit your Construction Permit Package Submission Form without attachments and email to request the link. Please include the project name and Loudoun Water project ID with your email request.

Upon receipt of the Loudoun Water fully executed construction permit, the applicant’s contractor may request a pre-construction meeting.