At Loudoun Water, every day is Earth Day! It is our mission is to work to ensure a healthy environment and high quality of life through effective and sustainable management of resources entrusted to our care. We pledge to bring our customers clean, healthy water that is safe to drink. We also place an emphasis on educating people living and working in our service area about wise water use and source water protection throughout the year with school programs, partnerships and community outreach events. Less than one percent of all the water on Earth is freshwater available for human consumption. So out of ALL the water on earth - every stream, river, lake and ocean - only one percent is suitable to drinking! Our water is such a precious resource, it's important that we do everything we can to protect it.
There are simple choices you make every day in and around your home that can make a big difference. A few easy things you can do to make a difference on Earth Day:
Want to get involved in your community? Loudoun Environmental Education Alliance (LEEA) and the Northwest Virginia Regional GREENetwork is hosting their second annual Loudoun Student Environmental Action Showcase (SEAS) virtually on web and social media platforms during SEAS Week: April 19 – 25, 2021. The purpose of Loudoun SEAS is to amplify youth voices in environmental problem solving by showcasing to a real-world audience how students have meaningfully contributed to environmental stewardship in Loudoun County. To learn more and to register, visit their website.