Blasting Information Form

1 Start 2 Complete

Blasting Form / Project Location Information:

Note: You must have a valid VA811 blasting ticket before completing this form. 

Blasting Plan

Air Blast Overpressure (dB): Requirement is less than 128dB at any LW infrastructure

Attach the Following:

A sketch showing the locations of the proposed controlled blasts and seismograph unit(s) in relation to Loudoun Water facilities, north arrow, labeled LW infrastructure (size, type), proposed distance of blasting from LW infrastructure, nearest street(s), nearest address or coordinates. (See example)

Upload File(s)

Upon receipt of the completed blasting form and files, Loudoun Water will review the information and respond within 48 hrs with further requirements (based on critical infrastructure determination) or no further requirements needed.
Additional requirements could include:

  • Blast monitoring (minimum one seismograph); submitted results within 48 hours following each blast
  • Leak survey (by contractor) for water/reclaimed linear infrastructure

  • CCTV (by LW) for sanitary linear infrastructure

  • Pre/Post-blast survey for critical, vertical infrastructure


I have read and understand that Loudoun Water may have additional requirements for this controlled blasting activity based on the information provided.  I agree to work with Loudoun Water to protect the Loudoun Water infrastructure during the blasting event.