Permitting Your Approved Project All the information listed in the approval letter must be submitted with this form. Loudoun Water is only accepting accompanying files for the Construction Permit Package Submission Form via a secure link. To obtain a link to securely upload the required files, please submit your Construction Permit Package Submission Form without attachments and email to request the link. Please include the project name and Loudoun Water project ID with your email request. Please note, that incomplete packages will cause delay in processing and may be rejected. Once the complete package has been submitted and received, Loudoun Water will review the information for completeness and accuracy. If satisfactory, expect the signed construction permit to be issued within 5-10 working days. Upon receipt of the Loudoun Water fully executed construction permit, the applicant’s contractor may request online a pre-construction meeting. Project ID * Project Name * Developers Contact Information Company * Contact * Phone * Email * Required Documentation PLEASE NOTE: Prior to submitting this form: 1. Ensure that the permitting fees invoice is paid 2. Required shop drawings/bypass and/or shutdown plans have been approved, and 3. All required originals (hard copy) are received. Refer to your Loudoun Water approval letter to ensure you have all required documentation ready to submit. Incomplete submissions will delay processing and may be rejected. Documentation most commonly required to be submitted, per your approval letter, includes: Construction Permit (Applicant signed) Developer Agreement (Applicant signed and dated) Proposed Materials Form (Contractor signed and dated) Financial Guarantee (cash, letter of credit or performance bond) Certificate of Insurance CADD Files Offsite Easements (copy of recorded document) On-site easements (copy of recorded document) Additional documents required, if applicable per the approval letter: Estimated Flow Acknowledgement Form (signed) Process Wastewater Metering Acknowledgement (signed) Reclaimed Service Agreement (signed) License Agreement (copy of recorded document) Non-Residential Sanitary Sewer Service Request (completed) VDH Approval (water main 30” or larger) DEQ CTC (sewer main 16" or larger) VDOT Land Use Permit (LUP) work in VDOT ROW Notification of Property Owner (if work is contained within existing LW easement) Temporary Construction Recorded Easement or Letter of Permission from Property Owner Additional Documentation as Required by Approval Letter Leave this field blank Submit