Availability Charge Sample Calculation

Effective January 1, 2024

Availability Charge Rates Per Gallon
Water $14.27 (max day usage)
Sewer $34.61 (average day usage)

Consumption Usage Rates 

Effective January 1, 2024

Consumption Usage Rates Per 1,000 gallons
Water (Tier 1) $3.86 
Sewer $5.76
Reclaimed Water $1.80



Data Center 100,000SF
Cooling tower use: maximum daily water usage 100,000 gallons (approx)
Average day sewer is 20% of max day water  20,000 gallons


Without Reclaimed Water VS. With Reclaimed Water


Without Reclaimed Water Gallons One time availability charge
Potable Water (Cooling Towers) 100,000  $14.27/gallon = $1,427,000
Sewer (Cooling Towers) 20,000  $34.61/gallon = $692,200
Total   $2,119,200


With Reclaimed Water Gallons One time availability charge
Potable Water (Cooling Towers) 10,000 $14.27/gallon = $142,700
Reclaimed Water (Cooling Towers) 100,000 No Availability Charge
Sewer (Cooling Towers) 20,000 $34.61/gallon = $692,200
Total   $834,900


Annual Consumption Savings with Reclaimed Water for Cooling

50,000 gpd average x 365 days x ($3.86 - $1.80) / 1,000 gallons = $37,595