Loudoun Water customers receiving water service all have water meters that are used to monitor the flow of water entering the premise. Meters are protected by a structure commonly referred to as the Meter Crock. In most cases, these crocks/meters are installed exterior to the building receiving water service but in some cases, the meter itself is installed inside the building.
Meter crocks installed exterior to the building may be susceptible to damage resulting from weather or miscellaneous external tools such as snowplows or lawn mowers. Damaged meter crocks may pose an immediate or future safety risk to you and your neighbors so it’s important that damages be reported to Loudoun Water immediately.
To report damage, please fill out our contact us form or call our Customer Relations team during business hours at 571-291-7880. If this is an emergency, such as a frozen meter or no access to water, please call our Customer Relations team during business hours at 571-291-7880 or our after-hours emergency number at 571-291-7878.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my meter crock is damaged?
If it doesn’t look right, report it! Our field teams are happy to check out any concerns in your neighborhood. There are many types of damage that could occur such as missing or cracked lids and crocks coming loose and moving out of the ground.

Who is responsible for maintaining the water meter and crock?
Meters will be maintained by Loudoun Water at its expense insofar as ordinary wear is concerned, but damage to any meter due to hot water, freezing, or other external causes arising out of, or caused by the customer’s facilities, operations, negligence or carelessness shall be paid for by the customer, except that Loudoun Water will be responsible for damage to meters due to freezing in outside vaults.
What are my responsibilities?
Customers are responsible for ensuring access to meters and other necessary equipment by Loudoun Water employees at all times. The customer shall promptly notify Loudoun Water of any defect in or damage to the meter or its connection. It is unlawful for any person to open and/or access the meter and/or crock without the consent of Loudoun Water.
Why can I not cover my crock?
Loudoun Water requires quick access to your meter crock in the event of an emergency. Hard and soft landscaping (decks, fences, mulch, etc.) make it difficult to access and/or locate your meter crock and is prohibited by Loudoun Water.
What should I know about landscaping?
Customers should be careful with snowplows, lawn mowers, and other tools. These are the most common causes of meter crock damage. It is important to think about your utilities when landscaping your property. Large trees may develop roots that cause water and sewer service line breaks and meter crock damage over time. Always call VA 811 before building decks, fences, or other new landscaping including new plants to make sure your utilities are protected.