The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) is a system for classifying industries by a four-digit code. The SIC codes can be grouped into progressively broader industry classifications: industry group, major group, and division. The first two digits represent the highest-level business classification, while the subsequent two digits are used to further refine the identification. Each division encompasses a range of SIC codes.
Range of SIC Codes | Division |
0100-0999 | Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing |
1000-1499 | Mining |
1500--1799 | Construction |
1800-1999 | Not Used |
2000-3999 | Manufacturing |
4000-4999 | Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary service |
5000-5199 | Wholesale Trade |
5200-5999 | Retail Trade |
6000-6799 | Finance, Insurance and Real Estate |
7000-8999 | Services |
9100-9729 | Public Administration |
9900-9999 | Non-Classifiable |