On Tuesday, May 21, Loudoun Water formally celebrated the opening of Virginia’s most advanced water treatment plant, one designed to keep high quality water flowing in Loudoun County for generations to come. The opening of the Trap Rock Water Treatment Facility coincides with the 60th anniversary of Loudoun Water, which was founded as the Loudoun County Sanitation Authority on May 27, 1959. See photos here!
Loudoun County is one of the fastest growing counties in the United States. Maximum day water demands are projected to grow from 40 million gallons per day to 90 million gallons per day by 2040. For the first time, Loudoun Water is tapping the Potomac River to meet this growing demand. The secure state of the art facility is designed to meet or exceed drinking water regulations to ensure the highest quality drinking water for years to come.
The plant uses a two-step ozone, two-stage mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, biological filtration, chlorine disinfection and ultraviolet inactivation systems to treat Potomac River water. This treatment approach satisfies current treatment needs while positioning Loudoun Water to address potential future regulations. Learn more about the Trap Rock Water Treatment Plant and the entire Potomac Water Supply Program.